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Descriptors of competences

To create a list of descriptors, click on each of the competences you envisage, check the box on the right side of the relevant descriptors, and click on Save descriptors. Once all desired descriptors for envisaged competences have been selected, click on View selected descriptors, on top of the page. Here you can export the list in a text file, or copy the list to a document.


1. Valuing human dignity and human rights

2. Valuing cultural diversity


3. Valuing democracy, justice, fairness, equality and the rule of law


4. Openness to cultural otherness

5. Respect

6. Civic-mindedness

7. Responsibility

8. Self-efficacy

9. Tolerance of ambiguity


10. Autonomous Learning skills

11. Analytical and critical thinking skills

12. Skills of listening and observing

13. Empathy

14. Flexibility and adaptability

15. Linguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills

16. Co-operation skills

17. Conflict-resolution skills

Knowledge and critical understanding

18. Knowledge and critical understanding of the self

19. Knowledge and critical understanding of language and communication

20A. Knowledge and critical understanding of politics, law and human rights

20B. Knowledge and critical understanding of culture, cultures, religions

20C. Knowledge and critical understanding of history, media, economies, environment and sustainability